Anas Zaman
Ottawa Icon .03
Looking forward to what Anas will bring to the World of Fashion. Big dreams of becoming either an Art Director for a magazine or a CEO for a Fashion magazine!
Anas Zaman or @anaszaman98 on Instagram; is a loving and heartwarming guy who truly knows how to give happiness to all those around him!
How would you describe your fashion?
My fashion style is very versatile. What I mean by this is you will see me wearing clothes that are really classy and preppy, but you will also see me wearing clothes that are more urban. When I dress up, I like to incorporate what is “in” but I also like to add a bit of my personality into my clothing. I tend to describe myself as a really fun guy with a lot of sass, so I like to add different colours or make my look have a lot of attitude to it.
To be honest it really depends on my mood when I wake up ahha.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years I see myself settled down with my wife and maybe a kid; if I’m not broke. I either see myself being a teacher or working in fashion. I’ve always wanted to be a teacher, and teach High School, just because I feel those years are the years where a lot of students make big decisions or find out who they really are. I feel that during those years, students are really lost and confused. And during those years, students spend more times with their teachers than their parents. So, I would really like to help and be there for anyone; just because I really like being there for people ahah, it’s another way we can give back to the community. But like I would LOVE to work in fashion still. I love how it always changes and fashion, in my opinion, is a way of communication. So people who can’t express themselves with words, have the opportunity to do it with their clothes, which I find really cool
What is you're favourite 90's song?
Oh dear lord, I am gonna get judged on this one, but it will definitely be “ Baby One More Time” by Britney Spears. It was on my CD player, MP3 Player, iPod, iPhone and it’s just one of those songs that will make you go crazy and take you back to a simpler time. It also reminds me of one of my fondest memories where my two sisters and I were just jamming out to this song when I was 4. It was so simple but such a fun moment. I cherish that memory very much.
Is there a motto (or moral) you live by? If so, what is it?
The motto I live by is cheesy and I know it is a phrase that is known in every language all over the world, but my motto is this phrase in Hindi from a Bollywood Movie called Kal Ho Na Ho. The phrase is:
“ Jee Bhar Jiyo Jo Hai Sama, Kal Ho Na Ho.”
Which translates to “Live every moment here to your heart’s content, The time that is here may not be tomorrow”. It talks about the unknown which is really fascinating, how we should live our life to the fullest since we have no plan for what tomorrow brings us. I believe that everyone is going through the same test ( of the purpose of why we are here) but our struggles are being tested differently, which is why I feel that this saying tells me to live the fullest of my life, but not to forget about my surroundings and not to be selfish.
What inspires you?
My inspirations are my family foremost. My parents immigrated to Canada from Bangladesh with almost nothing but they sacrificed so much and worked their asses off to make me and my siblings where we are today. They provided us with so much, and they struggled so hard; it just amazes me how they were able to do it, and how they still are doing it. Even right now they are pretty old folks but their number one priority is us and they show us through their actions how they are always gonna be by our sides. Even my siblings are my inspiration just because they all went through so much in their lives and when I see them now, I see them with such accomplishments, it really is a blessing.
It sucks because I have to live up to those standards, but I’d do anything to make my family happy.
The other inspiration is probs gonna be a respected prophet in my religion, Prophet Muhammad. I am nowhere religious but I am in awe when I hear stories about him and see all the struggles he went through, just so he can please God.
My final inspiration is gonna be Justin Bieber. I am the biggest Justin Bieber fan, even before he became famous and I know he legit started with nothing and I have so much respect for how far he has gotten, despite the years of hate ( his puberty voice, Selena Gomez, etc). He made me BELIEVE and to Never Say Never ( if you understood what those mean you’re also a Belieber haha)
If you were to pass down a legacy, what would you want that to be?
A legacy that I would want to pass down, that I try to promote constantly, is to remember to be kind, generous and loving - not only to others but to yourself too.
Why do you think I chose you to be a part of my series “ICON OTTAWA”
I really don’t know, to be honest. If I had to answer, I don’t want to be cocky or anything, but maybe because of the self-confidence that I have in me or the fact that I am really open? I honestly don’t know, but I am beyond touched that you saw something in me and thought I was an Icon of Ottawa.
The reason I chose Anas,
Anas' wears his heart on his sleeve. Even from the very first time you meet him; you get a sense of warmth. Where ever he goes, he brings joy and happiness. Anas is correct in saying that a major factor comes from his self-confidence.
Anas' ICON was a tricky one. There was so much to choose from. Youth, Happiness, Love of Life, Optimism! In the end, he is a magnet. He has a magnetic and inviting personality that makes it hard not be around him. He is true to himself and true to the like-minded. He teaches that when you are true to yourself, those with the same beliefs will be drawn to you. Expel those who do more harm than good. Keep your community strong.
A big "Thank you" to everyone on the team
involved in making this possible! Looking forward to .03 of OTTAWA ICON
Location: Andrew Hayden Park
Photographer: Willow Lamoureux Photography / @willowthephotographer
Assistant: Anna Pickles / @anna_pickles_41319
Model: Anas Zaman / @anaszaman98